National Pollinator Week June 17 - 23!
National Pollinator Week is a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what you can do to protect them.
Twelve years ago, the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval and designation of a week in June as “National Pollinator Week” marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. Pollinator Week has now grown into an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles.
What can you do to support pollinators?
1. Provide Habitat: ”If you build it they will come…”
Pollinator habitats are typically composed of a variety of wildflowers, trees, and grasses. Select plants that produce flowers throughout the growing season.
Provide fresh water
Consider building a pollinator domicile such as a bat box or bee hotel
2. Plant Natives:
Research has shown that native plants are visited by native bees significantly more than non-native plants. Support our native bee population and other native pollinators by adding native plants to your landscape. The Colorado Native Plant Society is a valuable resource for information on our native plants.
3. Avoid Pesticides:
When using a commercial pesticide is necessary, ALWAYS follow the label instructions. Many commercial pesticides are labeled “Bee Safe”, but following the application instructions is critical to keeping pollinators and other beneficial insects safe.
These hard-working animals help pollinate over 75% of our flowering plants, and nearly 75% of our crops. Often, we may not notice the hummingbirds, bats, bees, beetles, butterflies, and flies that carry pollen from one plant to another as they collect nectar.
Pollinator Week was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership.